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- Extrusion and other auxiliary ...
- An engineering example

address: 237 Sanxing Renmin Road, Jinfeng Town, Zhangjiagang City, Jiangsu Province
Fax锛�0512-58578218 58570062
Mobile phone锛�013906246086
FCS honeycomb dehumidifier dryer
娣诲姞鏅傞枔锛�2021/9/16 22:08:37 浜烘埃锛�967

Honeycomb dehumidifier using hygroscopic agent silica gel uniform long crystal on the ceramic fiber wheel substrate, has a strong hygroscopic ability, less pressure loss, large contact area, light weight, durable.
1, dehumidification of the air dew point -35鈩� - -45鈩�, dew point stability;
2, touch screen PLC control, fault and ultra-high temperature automatic alarm and automatic power off protection;